2000.09-2004.07, 华南热带农业大学(现海南大学)农学院, 获农学学士;
2004.08-2005.08, 中国科学院水生生物研究所,研究实习员;
2005.09-2010.07, 中国科学院水生生物研究所,获理学博士;
2010.08-2012.03, 安徽师范大学生命科学学院,讲师;
2012.04-2013.03, 新墨西哥州立大学农业与环境科学学院,博士后;
2013.04-2016.01, 佛蒙特大学EPSCoR研究中心,博士后;
2016.02-今, 中国科学院城市环境研究所,研究员/博士生导师;
期间:中国科学技术大学 博士生导师(兼);
宁波诺丁汉大学 博士生导师(兼);
浙江省城市环境过程与污染控制重点实验室 副主任;
宁波观测研究站 副站长;
福建省流域生态重点实验室 副主任;
厦门市城市环境智慧管理重点实验室 副主任。
(1)中国生态学学会流域生态专业委员会 副主任;
(2)中国地理学会陆地地表综合观测工作委员会 副主任;
(3)中国海洋湖沼学会湖泊分会 常务理事;
(4)《Watershed Ecology and the Environment》编委;
1. Guo Z., Boeing W.J., Xu Y*., Borgomeo E., Liu D., Zhu Y. 2023. Data-driven discoveries on widespread contamination of freshwater reservoirs by dominant antibiotic resistance genes. Water Research, 229: 119466.
2. Liu D., Guo Z., Xu Y*., Chan F., Xu Y., Johnson M., Zhu Y. 2022. Widespread occurrence of microplastics in marine bays with diverse drivers and environmental risk. Environment International, 168: 107483.
3. Liu D., Xu Y*., Junaid M., Zhu Y., Wang J., 2022. Distribution, transfer, ecological and human health risks of antibiotics in bay ecosystems. Environment International, 158: 106949.
4. Guo Z., Boeing W.J., Xu Y*., Borgomeo E., Mason S.A., Zhu Y., 2021. Global meta-analysis of microplastic contamination in reservoirs with a novel framework. Water Research, 207: 117828.
5. Guo Z., Boeing W.J., Xu Y*., Yan C., Faghihinia M., Liu D., 2021. Revisiting seasonal dynamics of total nitrogen in reservoirs with a systematic framework for mining data from existing publications. Water Research, 201: 117380.
6. Liang Z., Liu Y., Xu Y*., Wagner T., 2021. Bayesian change point quantile regression approach to enhance the understanding of shifting phytoplankton-dimethyl sulfide relationships in aquatic ecosystems. Water Research, 201: 117287.
7. Xu Y., Schroth A.W., Isles P.D.F., Rizzo D.M., 2015. Quantile regression improves models of lake eutrophication with implications for ecosystem-specific management. Freshwater Biology, 60(9): 1841-1853.
8. Xu Y., Schroth A.W., Rizzo D.M., 2015. Developing a 21st Century framework for lake-specific eutrophication assessment using quantile regression. Limnology and Oceanography: Method, 13(5): 237-249.
9. Xu Y., Boeing W.J., 2014. Modeling maximum lipid productivity of microalgae: Review and next step. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 32: 29-39.
10. Xu Y., Boeing W.J., 2013. Mapping biofuel field: A bibliometric evaluation of research output. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 28: 82-91.