马军,工学博士,副研究员,中国科学院大学硕士生导师。入选福建省高层次人才、厦门市领军人才、厦门市科技专家库专家。兼任福建省土壤肥料学会常务理事,嘉兴市土壤健康重点实验室副主任,2019年毕业于同济大学环境科学与工程学院。主要从事城市-城郊生态系统环境土壤学研究,特别是在农田土壤中抗生素抗性基因、微塑料等新兴污染物的对土壤动物的生态毒理研究,同时积极开展受污染耕地安全利用技术集成与示范、工业污染场地调查、风险评估、修复技术研发等。曾主持或参与了国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划项目、国家科技支撑计划项目、科技部港澳台科技合作专项、福建省科技计划项目、厦门市科技计划项目、宁波市科技计划项目、地方政府和企业委托技术研发与咨询项目等近20项。已在The ISME journal、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Environmental Pollution、Science of the Total Environment、Applied Soil Ecology、Frontiers in Microbiology等期刊上发表文章20余篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI论文10余篇,授权实用新型专利1项。担任Microbiome、Chemosphere、Environment Microbiology、Soil and Water Research等10余种国际期刊的审稿人。
1. Ma, Jun; Sheng, G. Daniel*; O’Connor, Patrick. Microplastics combined with tetracycline in soils facilitate the formation of antibiotic resistance in the Enchytraeus crypticus microbiome, Environmental Pollution, 2020, 264: 114689.
2. Ma, Jun; Sheng, G. Daniel*; Chen, Qing-Lin; O’Connor, Patrick. Do combined nanoscale polystyrene and tetracycline impact on the incidence of resistance genes and microbial community disturbance in Enchytraeus crypticus? Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 387:122012.
3. Ma, Jun; Zhu, Dong; Chen, Qing Lin; Ding, Jing; Zhu, Yong Guan; Sheng, G Daniel*; Qiu, Yu-Ping. Exposure to tetracycline perturbs the microbiome of soil oligochaete Enchytraeus crypticus, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 654: 643-650.
4. Ma, Jun; Chen, Qing-Lin; O’Connor, Patrick; Sheng, G. Daniel*. Does soil CuO nanoparticles pollution alter the gut microbiota and resistome of Enchytraeus crypticus?, Environmental Pollution, 2019, 256.
5. Ma, Jun1; Zhu, Dong1; Sheng, G. Daniel; O’Connor, Patrick; Zhu, Yong-Guan*. Soil oxytetracycline exposure alters the microbial community and enhances the abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in the gut of Enchytraeus crypticus. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 673:357-366.
6. Ma, Jun1; Liu, Yi1; Yu, Guang-Bin1; Li, Hong-Bo1; Yu, Shen*; Jiang, Yue-Ping; Li, Gui-Lin; Lin, Jin-Chang. Temporal dynamics of urbanization-driven environmental changes explored by metal contamination in surface sediments in a restoring urban wetland park. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 309: 228-235.
7. Yang, Lu-Hua; Wang, Xian-Ting; Ma, Jun*; Li, Gang; Wei, Li-Li; Sheng, G. Daniel. Nanoscale polystyrene intensified the microbiome perturbation and antibiotic resistance genes enrichment in soil and Enchytraeus crypticus caused by tetracycline. Applied Soil Ecology, 2022, 174:104426.
8. Zhang, Yu; Ma, Jun*; O'Connor, Patrick; Zhu, Yong-Guan. Microbial communities on biodegradable plastics under different fertilization practices in farmland soil microcosms. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 809: 152184.
9. Liu, Ning; Li, Gang; Su, Ya; Zhao, Yi; Ma, Jun*; Huang Guang-Qun*. Environmental drivers and interaction mechanisms of heavy metal and antibiotic resistome exposed to amoxicillin during aerobic composting. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022, 13:1079114.
10. Wu, Wei; Ma, Jun*; Liu, Dong; Xu, Qiao; Li, Gang*. Scientific knowledge mapping and thematic evolution for tire wear, Sustainability. 2023,15,583.
11. Zhu, Dong; Ma, Jun; Li, Gang; Rillig, Matthias C.; Zhu, Yong-Guan*. Soil plastispheres as hotpots of antibiotic resistance genes and potential pathogens, The ISME Journal, 2022, 16(2): 521-532.