叶红,博士,毕业于北京大学环境学院。2007年至今就职于中科院城市环境研究所城市生态规划与管理研究中心。2014年美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)高级访问学者。国际城市生态学会中国分会(SURE CHINA)理事。承担或参加国家重点研发计划、国家科技支撑、国家自然科学基金、中科院重要方向、福建省科技计划、厦门市科技计划、宁波市科技计划、地方政府部门、企事业单位资助等各级项目60余项。已在Environment international, Energy and buildings, Journal of cleaner production, Journal of climate, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Ecological Indicators等刊物发表学术论文30余篇。授权专利与软件著作权10项。为Energy Policy, Journal of cleaner production, Atmosphere Research 等SCI期刊审稿人。
1. Hong Ye, Qun Ren, Longyu Shi, Jinchao Song, Xinyue Hu, Xinhu Li, Guoqin Zhang, Tao Lin*, Xiongzhi Xue*. The role of climate, construction quality, microclimate and socio-economic conditions on carbon emissions from office buildings in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 171, 911-916.
2. Hong Ye*, Qun Ren, Xinyue Hu, Tao Lin, Longyu Shi, Guoqin Zhang, Xinhu Li. Modeling energy-related CO2 emissions from office buildings using general regression neural network. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 2018, 129, 168-174.
3. Hong Ye*, Caige Sun, Kai Wang, Guoqin Zhang, Tao Lin, Han Yan. The role of urban function on road soil respiration responses. Ecological Indicators. 2018, 85, 271-275.
4. Hong Ye, Qun Ren, Xinyue Hu, Tao Lin*, Lilai Xu, Xinhu Li, Guoqin Zhang, Longyu Shi, Bing Pan. Low-carbon behavior approaches for reducing direct carbon emissions: Household energy use in a coastal city. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017, 141, 128-136.
5. Ye Hong*, Hu Xinyue, Ren Qun, Lin Tao, Li Xinhu, Zhang Guoqin*, Shi Longyu. Effect of urban micro-climatic regulation ability on public building energy usage carbon emission. Energy and Buildings. 2017, 154, 553-559.
6. Caige Sun, Tao Lin, Qianjun Zhao, Xinhu Li, Hong Ye, Guoqin Zhang, Xiaofang Liu, Yu Zhao. Spatial pattern of urban green spaces in a long-term compact urbanization process—A case study in China. Ecological Indicators. 2017, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.09.043
7. Tao Lin, Jin Wang, Xuemei Bai, Guoqin Zhang, Xinhu Li, Rubing Ge, Hong Ye*. Quantififying and managing food-sources nutrient metabolism in Chinese cities. Environment International, 2016, 94:388-395.
8. Tao Lin, Caige Sun, Xinhu Li, Qianjun Zhao, Guoqin Zhang, Rubing Ge, Hong Ye, Ning Huang, Kai Yin. Spatial pattern of urban functional landscapes along an urban–rural gradient: A case study in Xiamen City, China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2016, 46, 22-30.
9. Jilai Liu,Xinhu Li, Tao Lin, Long Dai, Guoqin Zhang, ChaoSheng Zhang, Hong Ye, Vee Gibson, QianJun Zhao. Spatial analysis of gastric cancer morbidity in regions of rapid urbanization: a case study in Xiamen, China,Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 2016,30(2): 713-723.
10. Hong Ye*, XiaoYan He, Yu Song, Xinhu Li, Guoqin Zhang, Tao Lin, Lishan Xiao. A sustainable urban form: The challenges of compactness from the viewpoint of energy consumption and carbon emission. Energy and Buildings. 2015, 93: 90-98.
11. Han Zhang, Miaomiao Du, Hongyou Jiang, Dandan Zhang, Lifeng Lin, Hong Ye, Xian Zhang. Occurrence, seasonal variation and removal efficiency of antibiotics and their metabolites in wastewater treatment plants, Jiulongjiang River Basin, South China. Environmental Science Processes and Impacts,2015,17, 225-234.
12. Hong Ye*, Quanyi Qiu, Guoqing Zhang, Tao Lin, Xinhu Li. Effects of natural environment on urban household energy usage carbon emissions. Energy and Buildings. 2013, 65: 113-118.
13. Yong Liu*, Hong Ye*. The dynamic study on firm’s environmental behavior and infuencing factors: an adaptive agent-based modeling approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2012, 37: 278-287.
14. Kai Wang, Hong Ye, Feng Chen. Urbanization effect on the diurnal temperature range: different roles under solar dimming and brightening. Journal of Climate, 2012, 25: 1022-1027.
15. Yongzhu Xiong, Shaopeng Huang, Feng Chen, Hong Ye, Cuiping Wang, hangbai Zhu. The Impacts of Rapid Urbanization on the Thermal Environment: A Remote Sensing Study of Guangzhou, South China. Remote Sensing, 2012, 4(7), 2033-2056.
16. Hong Ye, Kai Wang, Xiaofeng Zhao*, Feng Chen, Xuanqi Li, Lingyang Pan. Relationship between construction characteristics and carbon emissions from urban household operational energy usage. Energy and Buildings. 2011, 43(1):147-152.
17. Hong Ye, Kai Wang, Feng Chen, XuanQi Li, LingYang Pan, Xiaofeng Zhao. Relationship between construction characteristics and carbon emissions from urban household energy usage. Energy and buildings. 2011, 43: 147-152
18. Hong Ye, Kai Wang, Shaopeng Huang, Feng Chen, Yongzhu Xiong, Xiaofeng Zhao. Urbanization effects on summer habitat comfort - A case study of three coastal cities in southeast China. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 2010, 17, 4: 317-323.
19. Xiaofeng Zhao, Jucong Huang,Hong Ye*, Kai Wang, Quanyi Qiu. Spatiotemporal Changes of Urban Heat Island of a Coastal City in the Context of Urbanization. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 2010, 17, 4: 311-316.
20. Xiangyu Li, Feng Chen, Hong Ye, Yongzhu Xiong, Kai Wang, Lingyang Pan, Longyu Shi. Trends of maximum, minimum, and diurnal temperature range and its relations to the urbanization in Xiamen, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 2010, 17, 4: 299-303.
21. 胡馨月,叶红*,宋金超,吝涛,李新虎,张国钦.基于城市功能区划分的道路机动车大气污染物排放清单研究.环境科学学报,2017,37(2)429-435.
22. 肖黎姗,余兆武,叶红,张国钦,郭青海.福建省乡村发展与农业经济聚集耦合分析,地理学报,2015, 4 (70): 615-624.
23. 宋金超、李新虎、吝涛,张国钦,叶红,何晓燕,葛汝冰.基于夜晚灯光数据和Google earth的城市建成区提取方法. 地理信息科学学报,2015, 6(17):750-756.
24. 叶红, 潘玲阳, 陈峰, 汪凯, 黄少鹏. 城市家庭能耗直接碳排放影响因素分析—以厦门岛区为例. 生态学报, 2010, 30(14):3802-3811.
25. 汪凯,叶红, 唐力娜, 陈锋, 熊永柱, 李祥余. 气温日较差研究进展:变化趋势、影响因素及其指示人类活动对气候变化的影响.气候变化研究进展. 2010, 6(6): 417-423.
26. 汪凯, 叶红,陈峰,熊永柱,李祥余,唐立娜. 中国东南部太阳辐射变化特征、影响因素及其对区域气候的影响. 生态环境学报, 2010, 19(5): 1119-1124.
27. 潘玲阳, 叶红, 黄少鹏, 李国学, 张红玉. 北京市生活垃圾处理的温室气体排放变化分析. 环境科学与技术. 2010, 33(9):116-124.
28. 李祥余, 黄少鹏, 叶红, 熊永柱, 陈峰,汪凯,潘玲阳. 厦门站气温非均一性订正及其变化特征对比分析. 地理科学, 2010, 30(5): 796-801.
29. 陈峰, 熊永柱, 黄少鹏, 叶红. 大气水分含量的空间异质性对遥感地表温度反演的误差分析.国土资源遥感, 2010, (2): 35-40.
30. 叶红, 黄静, 崔胜辉.半城市化区域能源-经济-环境关系分析.生态环境学报, 2009, 18(4):1346-1350. 31. 叶红, 黎慧娟. 城市土壤碳循环特征研究进展.生态环境学报, 2009, 18(3):1134-1138.
1. 城市立体空间紧凑型对办公建筑能耗碳排放的影响效应及优化策略研究,主持,国家级(国家自然科学基金),2018.01—2021.12
2. 长三角城市群多尺度生态网络设计关键技术,主持,国家级(国家重点研发计划子课题),2016.07—2020.06
3. 耦合社会人文与自然环境因子的城市家庭能耗碳排放驱动机制研究,主持,国家级(国家自然科学基金),2012.01—2014.12
4. 闽台产业技术对接过程中台商投资区创新型产业集群发展研究——以厦门集美(杏林)台商投资区为例,主持,省级(福建省科技计划),2013.07—2014.12
5. 宁波市生态可持续土地集约利用策略研究,主持,市地级(宁波市科技计划),2013.03—2014.12
6. 厦门市城市建设用地节约集约利用评价,主持,其他级,2015-05—2018-12
7. 厦门市土地利用总体规划修编专题研究(土地集约节约利用、国土资源环境承载力、规划环境影响评价)2018.01—2019.01
8. 开发区土地集约利用评价,主持,其他级,2008.05—2019.12
9. 厦门市同安区工业园区现状与发展的思考,主持,其他级,2017.09—2018.12
10. 厦门市开发区土地集约利用评价系统,主持,其他级,2012.12—2015.12
11. 厦门工业企业基本信息系统,主持,其他级,2014.12—2017.12
12. 霞浦台湾水产品集散中心污水处理厂排污口论证,主持,其他级,2011.09—2014.09
13. 集美杏林台商投资区转型升级与可持续发展路径研究,主持,其他级,2011.06—2013.06