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1. Liu D., Xu Y., Junaid M., Zhu Y., Wang J., 2022. Distribution, transfer, ecological and human health risks of antibiotics in bay ecosystems. Environment International, 158: 106949.
2. Guo Z., Boeing W.J., Xu Y., Borgomeo E., Mason S.A., Zhu Y., 2021. Global meta-analysis of microplastic contamination in reservoirs with a novel framework. Water Research, 207: 117828.
3. Guo Z., Boeing W.J., Xu Y., Yan C., Faghihinia M., Liu D., 2021. Revisiting seasonal dynamics of total nitrogen in reservoirs with a systematic framework for mining data from existing publications. Water Research, 201: 117380.
4. Liang Z., Liu Y., Xu Y., Wagner T., 2021. Bayesian change point quantile regression approach to enhance the understanding of shifting phytoplankton-dimethyl sulfide relationships in aquatic ecosystems. Water Research, 201: 117287.
5. He Y., Li G., Zhou S., Li R., Zhao J., Wu K., Wang J., Jia X., Wu X., Gao F., Xu Y., Bao P., 2021. Bacteria involved in thiosulfate reduction coupled with anaerobic ammonium oxidation in the critical zone groundwater. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 5(8), 2142-2151.
6. Li G. & Bao P., 2021. Transcriptomics analysis of the metabolic mechanisms of iron reduction induced by sulfate reduction mediated by sulfate-reducing bacteria. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 97, fiab005.
7. Tang J, Sun J, Wang W, Yang L, Xu Y., 2021. Pharmaceuticals in two watersheds in Eastern China and their ecological risks. Environmental Pollution, 116773.
8. Qiu Q., Liang Z., Xu Y., Shin-ichiro S.M., Komatsu K., Wagner T., 2021. A statistical framework to track temporal dependence of chlorophyll–nutrient relationships with implications for lake eutrophication management. Journal of Hydrology, 603: 127134.
9. Guo Z., Boeing W.J., Borgomeo E., Xu Y., Weng Y., 2021. Linking reservoir ecosystems research to the Sustainable Development Goals. Science of the Total Environment, 781: 146769.
10. Tang J, Wang W, Yang L., 2020. Seasonal variation and ecological risk assessment of dissolved organic matter in a peri-urban critical zone observatory watershed. Science of The Total Environment, 707: 136093.
11. Tang J, Li X, Cao C, Lin M, Qiu Q, Xu Y., 2019. Compositional variety of dissolved organic matter and its correlation with water quality in peri-urban and urban river watersheds. Ecological Indicators, 104: 459–469.
12. Xu Y., Schroth A.W., Isles P.D.F., Rizzo D.M., 2015. Quantile regression improves models of lake eutrophication with implications for ecosystem-specific management. Freshwater Biology, 60(9): 1841-1853.
13. Xu Y., Schroth A.W., Rizzo D.M., 2015. Developing a 21st Century framework for lake-specific eutrophication assessment using quantile regression. Limnology and Oceanography: Method, 13(5): 237-249.
14. Xu Y., Boeing W.J., 2014. Modeling maximum lipid productivity of microalgae: Review and next step. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 32: 29-39.
15. Xu Y., Boeing W.J., 2013. Mapping biofuel field: A bibliometric evaluation of research output. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 28: 82-91.