李雅颖,博士,副研究员,2017年入选宁波市领军和拔尖人才培养工程第三层次。2009年博士毕业于浙江大学环境与资源学院,2013年起在中国科学院宁波城市环境观测研究站工作。目前主要从事土壤微生物在元素循环中的作用及土壤-植物-微生物之间的互作效应研究。在Soil Biology & Biochemistry,Plant Physiology等期刊上发表SCI论文19余篇,主持国家级及省部级项目3项。2016年获宁波市科学技术进步三等奖(排名第四),2018年获宁波市农业实用技术推广奖二等奖(排名第三)。
1. Hongkai Liao, Yaying Li*, Huaiying Yao*. Biochar amendment stimulates utilization of plant-derived carbon by soil bacteria in an intercropping system. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01361.
2. Yaying Li , Hongkai Liao, Huaiying Yao*. Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Air-Conditioning Systems in Hospitals, Farms, and Residences. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16, 683; doi:10.3390/ijerph16050683.
3. Yaying Li, Ruijiao Xi, Weijin Wang, Huaiying Yao*. The relative contribution of nitrifiers to autotrophic nitrification across a pH-gradient in a vegetable cropped soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2019, 19(3):1416-1426.
4. Yaying Li, Fuxia Pan, Huaiying Yao*. Response of symbiotic and asymbiotic nitrogen fixing microorganisms to nitrogen fertilizer application. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2019, 19(4): 1948-1958.
5. Yaying Li, Stephen J. Chapman, Graeme W. Nicol, Huaiying Yao*. Nitrification and nitrifiers in acidic soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018, 116:290-301.
6. Yaying Li, Juan Wang, Fuxia Pan, Stephen J. Chapman, Huaiying Yao*. Soil nitrogen availability alters rhizodeposition carbon flux into the soil microbial community. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2016, 16:1472-1480.
7. Fuxia Pan, Stephen J. Chapman, Yaying Li*, Huaiying Yao*. Straw amendment to paddy soil stimulates denitrification but biochar amendment promotes anaerobic ammonia oxidation. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2017, 17: 2428-2437.
8. Hongkai Liao, Yaying Li*, Huaiying Yao*. Fertilization with inorganic and organic nutrients changes diazotroph community composition and N-fixation rates. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2018, 18(3): 1076-1086.
9. Neelum Ali, Sardar Khan, Yaying Li, Ningguo Zheng, Huaiying Yao*. Influence of biochars on the accessibility of organochlorine pesticides and microbial community in contaminated soils. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 647: 551–560.
10. Guoliang Yun, Shudi Zuo, Shaoqing Dai, Xiaodong Song, Chengdong Xu, Yilan Liao, Peiqiang Zhao, Weiyin Chang, Qi Chen, Yaying Li, Jianfeng Tang, Man Wang, Yin Ren*. Individual and Interactive Influences of Anthropogenic and Ecological Factors on Forest PM2.5 Concentrations at an Urban Scale. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10, 521; doi:10.3390/rs10040521.
11. Jianqiang Su, Yu Xia, Huaiying Yao, Yaying Li, Xinli An, Brajesh K. Singh, Tong Zhang*, Yongguan Zhu*. Metagenomic assembly unravel microbial response to redox fluctuation in acid sulfate soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2017, 105: 244-252.
12. Hongkai Liao, Stephen J. Chapman, Yaying Li, Huaiying Yao*. Dynamics of microbial biomass and community composition after short-term water status change in Chinese paddy soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 25(3):2932-2941.
13. Xien Long , Ying Huang, Haifeng Chi, Yaying Li, Naseer Ahmad, Huaiying Yao*. Nitrous oxide flux, ammonia oxidizer and denitrifier abundance and activity across three different landfill cover soils in Ningbo, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 170: 288-297.
14. Huaiying Yao*, Sha Huang, Qiongfen Qiu, Yaying Li, Lianghuan Wu, Wenhai Mi, Feng Dai. Effects of different fertilizers on the abundance and community structure of ammonia oxidizers in a yellow clay soil. Applied Microbiolody and Biotechnology, 2016, 100: 6815–6826.
15. Fuxia Pan, Yaying Li, Stephen J. Chapman, Huaiying Yao*. Effect of rice straw application on microbial community and activity in paddy soil under different water status. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23: 5941–5948.
16. Fuxia Pan, Yaying Li, Stephen J. Chapman, Sardar Khan, Huaiying Yao*. Microbial utilization of rice straw and its derived biochar in a paddy soil. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 559: 15–23.
17. Yaying Li, Jianli Yang, Yuejiao Zhang, Shaojian Zheng*. Disorganized distribution of homogalacturonan epitopes in cell walls as one possible mechanism for aluminium-induced root growth inhibition in maize. Annals of Botany, 2009, 104: 235-241.
18. Yaying Li, Yuejiao Zhang, Yuan Zhou, Jianli Yang, Shaojian Zheng*. Protecting cell walls from binding aluminum by organic acids contributes to Al resistance. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2009, 51: 574-580.
19. Jianli Yang, Yaying Li, Yuejiao Zhang, Shanshan Zhang, Ping Wu, Shaojian Zheng*. Cell wall polysaccharides are specifically involved in the exclusion of aluminum from the rice root apex. Plant Physiology, 2008, 146: 602-611.
20. 张洋,李雅颖*,郑宁国,姚槐应. 生物硝化抑制剂的抑制原理及其研究进展. 江苏农业科学, 2019, 47(1): 21-26.
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,41301251、酸性土壤氨氧化古菌耐铝机制研究、2014/01-2016/12、25万、已结题、主持;
3. 宁波市自然科学基金,2014A610101、城郊菜地土壤硝化抑制剂研发及微生物作用机理研究、2014/03-2016/03、3万,已结题、主持;
4. 国家基金委中德合作研究项目,41761134085、水稻土同位素分馏及其形态转化的微生物机制研究、2018/01-2020/12、118万、在研、参与。